Adele Culver Files, 1946 - 1947
Scope and Content Note
The Adele Culver Files represents the largest percentage of material in the series and includes newsletters; lists of HWRD subject headings; an accession list for the collection; a record of materials loaned for microfilming; the title sheets used in microfilming materials; general descriptions of the collection; position descriptions for the librarian and archivist at the HWRD; notes on the format for the memorial volume (later published as In Freedom’s Cause); miscellaneous blank forms and form letters; a record of questionnaires returned for the memorial volume; and other miscellaneous administrative material. This material was collected, created, or maintained by Adele Culver in her capacity as librarian for the Hawaii War Records Depository, a position that she held from 1946 to 1947.
- Creation: 1946 - 1947
Material with personal information may be redacted by the Archives staff. Some fragile items may need to be handled by the staff only.
23 Files
Repository Details
Part of the University of Hawaii at Manoa Libraries Repository