99th Congress, 1985-1986
Scope and Contents
99th Congress
S. 26 VA Incentive Pay Health Care Providers
S. 28 VA Chief Med. Dir., Dep. Med. Dir., Associate Dep. Med. Dir.
S. 34 Psychiatric Nurse-Clinical Nurse Practitioner
S. 38 Psychologists - Indian Scholarships
S. 39 New Position for Special Population
S. 41 Chief Army Nurse to Brigadier General
S. 50 Mental Health Specialists-Medicare
S. 60 Social Workers -- Federal Employees Health Benefit Plan
S. 70 Heroin Bill
S. 72 Mental Health Counselors
S. 73 American Samoans - Job Training Act
S. 74 Pediatric Nurse -- Medicare
S. 75 Tax Credit for Child Restraints
S. 76 Psychiatric Nurse/Clinical Nurse -- Medicare
S. 77 Gerontological Nurse – Medicare
S. 78 Clinical Social Workers -- Medicare
S. 79 Graduate Psychology Student Loans
S. 80 NIMH to NIH -- Transfer National Institute of Mental Health to National Institutes of Health
S. 82 Outpatient VA Dental Benefits to Non-Service-Connected
S. 83 Social Workers -- HMOS (Health Maintenance Organization)
S. 84 Pearl Harbor Survivors Association
S. 87 Psychologists-HMOs
S. 89 National Academies of Practice
S. 121 Gifted and Talented - Hawaiians
S. 123 Psychologists Autonomy under Medicare
S. 130 Diagnostic or Therapeutic Services - Medicare
S. 131 Nurse Practitioner Recertify Services of Physician
S. 133 $5 Million Cap Grant to Graduates in Psychology
S. 134 Gifted and Talented
S. 135 Professional Nurses-Medicare
S. 136 Nurses-Fed. Employees Health Benefit Plans
S. 145 Psychology Interns
S. 146 Nurse-Midwife - Medicare
S. 148 Nurse-Midwife - Government Plans
S. 151 Psychologists - Defense Licensing
S. 152 Hawaiian Fishing
S. 153 Central, Western and South Pacific Fisheries
S. 154 U.S. Olympic Checkoff
S. 155 Hospice - Payment for Psychologist
S. 156 Medicare and Champus
S. 157 Financial Assistance to Agencies Serving Native Americans
S. 179 DC Commission on Mental Health
S. 180 Champus Restrictions
S. 181 HCOP Allow Minority Students to Pursue Career in HCOP
S. 182 Poison Control Centers
S. 184 Postage Rate Reduction
S. 186 Mail on U.S. Registry Vessels
S. 190 Military Aircraft Travel Privileges
S. 193 U.S. Travel and Tourism Administration
S. 387 National Cemetery
S. 389 Dispose of Federal Lands for Airport Purposes
S. 586 FAA Certificates
S. 587 Health Service Corps Scholarship
S. 588 Incentive Pay to DoD Psychologists
S. 755 Airline Employees Parent Travel
S. 830 Amend Indian Education Act
S. 884 Sugar Beets and Sugarcane Price Support
S. 921 Gray Market
S. 1059 Surgeons General Positions Military
S. 1244 Rural Health Clinics-Psychologists
S. 1306 Dental Prostheses
S. 1307 Special Pay Dental Officers
S. 1461 Documentation of Certain U.S. Built Ships
S. 1547 Authorize certain disabled former prisoners of war to use Dept. of Defense commissary stories and post exchanges
S. 1796 A bill to authorize an extension of Interstate Route H-3
S. 2243 A bill to improve the health status of Native Hawaiians, and for other purposes.
2320 A bill to amend an Act to add certain lands on the Island of Hawaii to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, and for other purposes
S. 2339 A bill to amend titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act to provide that the services of a mental health counselor shall be covered under part B of Medicare and shall be a required service under Medicaid
S. 2467 To approve an interstate project in Hawaii
S. 2656 A bill to permit the naturalization of certain Filipino war veterans
S. 2735 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Federal Relations Act
S. 2876 PHS Commissioned Corps Bonus Pay
S. 2880 A bill to provide a temporary extension of the interstate transfer deadline for H-3
S. 2889 A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to treat the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands as a State for purposes of such title
S. 2896 Grants for Kamehameha Schools for gifted and talented elementary and secondary school students
S. 2920 Nurse practitioner's certification and certification of need for certain services
S. 2923 A bill to allow the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to be applied and administered as if the 3-year basis recovery rule applicable to employees' annuities had not been repealed.
S. 2928 A bill to provide for more effective regulation of vehicles not originally manufactured to meet Federal safety standards
Amendment – Gun Control Act
S. Amendment 511 Impose a 14-day waiting period for purchase of firearms (S.49)
S. Amendment 3207 DC Mental Health Commission--Psychologists
S. Res. 495 Honoring Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop
S. J. Res. 42 A joint resolution to consent to an amendment enacted by the legislature of the State of Hawaii to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act
- Creation: 1985-1986
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Access restrictions apply to certain records in the papers that have been determined to contain sensitive personal or government information. Series assessed to contain sensitive information will remain closed until 2028 with the exception of Constituent Services Case Work, which contains high levels of personal identifiable information. Constituent Services Case Work will be available to requesting individuals upon review and approval of the archivist or librarian managing the Property. Individual files or records assessed to contain sensitive information may also carry restrictions. Series assessed with medium risk may be made available to the researcher after the files are reviewed for sensitive information or formats. Series assessed to be of low risk of disclosing sensitive information may be open and available to researchers.
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