1929 Jan 17, 1929 Jan 17
- Creation: 1929 Jan 17
Conditions Governing Access
This collection is part of the Archive of Hawaii Artists & Architects. Access is by appointment only. Please contact the Art Archivist Librarian at the Jean Charlot Collection by email: charcoll@hawaii.edu or phone: 808-956-2849.
Container Summary
[Paris] Third day in Paris, different than he expected. Hard time finding cheap studio to rent. Learning to speak French, especially with women. “They are after one thing and I am after one thing which eventually comes to the same tangent.” Good food for low prices. “I haven’t tasted water since I came to Paris. Water is only necessary for washing, as you know.” Jan. 18 & 19: Looked at possible studios. Jan 22: He’ll probably take a studio in Paris for $80/year. Gave address where he can always be reached: 15 Rue Brea, Paris VIe, c/o Dr. T. Nakamura
Repository Details
Part of the University of Hawaii at Manoa Libraries Repository