Box SP3
Contains 104 Results:
29: One color 5x7 photograph, 71 black and white 5x7 photographs, and 5 black and white 8x10 photographs of Inouye and colleagues from his trip to Israel and Jordan in January 1975, as chair of the Subcommittee on Foreign Operations of the Appropriations Committee.
File — Box: SP3, Folder: 1
Identifier: MANUSCRIPT HCPC00011
Majority of material found within 1959 - 2012
30: Five 8x10 and 35 5x7 black and white photographs of Inouye and others, taken during his time in Myanmar (Burma) as part of the "Mansfield Mission" of 1965. The photos are mounted on heavy-weight paper, which was originally part of a photo album; the original order of the pages has been retained, and they have been numbered accordingly.
File — Box: SP3, Folder: 2
Identifier: MANUSCRIPT HCPC00011
Majority of material found within 1959 - 2012
33: One 8x10 black and white photograph of Inouye and others lighting Chinese firecrackers on the corner of Marin Street and Nu'uanu Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii, during what appears to be a campaign event for Inouye's U.S. House seat.
File — Box: SP3, Folder: 3
Identifier: MANUSCRIPT HCPC00011
Majority of material found within 1959 - 2012
38: One 8x10 black and white photograph of Inouye and Nolan Kramer (Vice President of sales, Hawaiian Airlines) in front of a statue of Captain James Cook near the Admiralty Buildings, London.
File — Box: SP3, Folder: 4
Identifier: MANUSCRIPT HCPC00011
Majority of material found within 1959 - 2012
39: One 5x7 black and white photograph (with negative) of Inouye speaking at a press conference in New York (taken by an editor at Purchasing Magazine).
File — Box: SP3, Folder: 5
Identifier: MANUSCRIPT HCPC00011
Majority of material found within 1959 - 2012
42: Two 8x10 black and white photographs of Inouye, Henry Kissinger, and others, taken at a breakfast hosted by Kissinger on February 4, 1975. The photos are Department of State photographs taken by Walter J. Booze.
File — Box: SP3, Folder: 6
Identifier: MANUSCRIPT HCPC00011
Majority of material found within 1959 - 2012
43: One 8x10 and seven 5x7 black and white photographs of Inouye and others at a luncheon for Israeli Budget Director Arnon Gafni, 1975. One of the others in the photographs is presumably Gafni.
File — Box: SP3, Folder: 7
Identifier: MANUSCRIPT HCPC00011
Majority of material found within 1959 - 2012
46: One 8x10 black and white photograph of Inouye, with three other gentlemen, next to a sign referring to the Hawaiian nene.
File — Box: SP3, Folder: 8
Identifier: MANUSCRIPT HCPC00011
Majority of material found within 1959 - 2012
47: One 8x10 black and white Signal Corps photograph (SC 340931) taken in Montenerro, Italy, of members of the mortar crew of the 100th batallion practicing firing, including Jitsuo Kobayashi of Honolulu.
File — Box: SP3, Folder: 9
Identifier: MANUSCRIPT HCPC00011
Majority of material found within 1959 - 2012
48: One 8x10 black and white Signal Corps photograph (SC 340924) taken in the Castrellina area, Italy, of members of the 100th batallion preparing to leave for reserve, including Makoto Taguchi of Lihue, Maui.
File — Box: SP3, Folder: 10
Identifier: MANUSCRIPT HCPC00011
Majority of material found within 1959 - 2012
52: 8x10 black and white photograph of Senator Howard Baker, signed "For Dan Inouye with highest regard - Howard Baker."
File — Box: SP3, Folder: 11
Identifier: MANUSCRIPT HCPC00011
Majority of material found within 1959 - 2012
Speeches, Statements, Messages, 1964
File — Box: SP3, Folder: 3
Identifier: MANUSCRIPT HCPC00011
1963 - 2012
Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Hearing, Public v. Private, Shipyards, 1964-03-19
File — Box: SP3, Folder: 4
Identifier: MANUSCRIPT HCPC00011
1963 - 2012