Box 1
Contains 24 Results:
China: September 1 (1982) - March 30 (1983) , 1982-09-01 - 1983-03-30
Dialogue between Sparky and Morris of NSC about Durward Long, restore a Covenant Third Peace Mission. Various letters. Exchange with Inouye about future of China Presidency
China: January 5 (1982) - August 25 (1982) , 1982-01-05 - 1982-08-25
Further discussion of EW Institute of Theoretical Science. Various letters and memos. Significant letter from National Security Advisor Clark, date of Peking - Washington arms
China: June 8 (1981) - December 30 (1981), 1982-06-08 - 1982-12-30
Efforts to effect Covenant Third Peace Mission, tragic death of Professor Chen Wen-Chen, talk at Arcadia on Role of Chinese Christian a Personal Assessment, UH cancel trip
China: August 24 (1980) - May 28 / 29 (1981) , 1980-08-24 - 1981-05-29
Exchange of letters between Nixon, C.N Yang, V. LI, C.S.WU, Bishop Scanlan. White House reply from Chew. Canterbury talk on China Church and Society
China: February 2 (1980) - August 23 (1980) , 1980-02-02 - 1980-08-23
Visa difficulties. Covenant Second Peace Mission, letters from Bob Owns, Bishop Browning, Caroline Chong, Frank Press’. Correspondence with M.L Cohen, Matsunaga, K. Char, on EW Institute of Theoretical Science. Remarks on Taiwan Presbyterians and independence
China: October 1 (1979) - February 1 (1980) , 1979-10-01 - 1980-02-01
Letters from Van Culin, Craighill, Caroline Chong, C.S. Shen. Acknowledgement note from Carter’s Director of Correspondence. 2.5 hour meeting with Auntie Zhou. Remark as part of Guangzhou Conference Delegation
China: June 21 (1979) - September 30 (1979) , 1979-06-21 - 1979-09-30
Letters from Glashow, Rev. Kenneth LO, Bob Owens, Browning,Thurber’s. Exchange with Doak Barnett. Phone conversation with Doak.
China: January 1 (1979) - June 20 (1979) , 1979-01-01 - 1979-06-20
Exchanges with Anthony Lake, Spark Matsunaga, Chou Pei Yuan, Clayton-Fritchey, Shen Yueh, brother, Frank Press, Chief Justice Warren Burger, Frank Church, Newton Thurber.
China: June 18 (1978) - December 31 (1978) , 1979-06-18 - 1979-12-31
Summary of phone call from Liaison Office. Diary of Japan Trip. Letters from Browning, Doak Barnett, Spark Matsunaga, Anthony Lake. Letter to Carter. Comments on Cardinal Yupin letter. Discussion with Klaus Mehnert
History of Triangular Relationship IV January 1 (1978) - June 15 (1978), 1978-01-01 - 1978-06-15
Diary of Punaluʻu Meeting on Arms Control and Pacific and Asian Security Affairs. Exchange with Prof. John Lewis, Rev. Robert Owens, A.A. Smyser,. Diary of discussion in Washington. Final letter from father.
Envelope Addressed to San Fu Tuan Aspen Institute at Punaluʻu, Hawaiʻi January 2-7, 1978 , 1978-01-02 - 1978-01-07
Materials relevant to workshop on “Prospects for Security and Arms Control in the Pacific/Asian Area” *envelope
Envelope Addressed to San Fu Tuan Aspen Institute at Punaluʻu, Hawaiʻi January 2-7, 1978 , 1978-01-02 - 1978-01-07
Materials relevant to workshop on “Prospects for Security and Arms Control in the Pacific/Asian Area” *2nd envelope
History of Triangular Relationship II June 9 (1977) - August 18 (1977) , 1977-06-09 - 1977-08-18
Letter to father. Dialogue with K.S Tom, Eugene Welch. Exchange with A.A Smyer, postcard from C.N Yang. Floor statement by Bob Dole. Significant exchange with Allen Whiting
History of Triangular Relationship III September 6 (1977) - December 31 (1977) , 1977-09-06 - 1977-12-31
Vance mainland China trip. Soak Barnett reply. Diary of discussion at Langley Headquarters and Chinese Liaison Office. Exchange with Harlan. Dialogue with Sheng Yueh, and Gene Welch.
China: December 4 (1976) - February 22 (1977) , 1976-12-04 - 1977-02-22
Letter to/from Cyrus Vance, Mike Mansfield, Harlan, Christopher H. Phillips, James Schlesinger. Exchange of letters with Zbigniew Brzezinski. Shelley Mark’s effort to land him a job in Carter administration. Letter from father about death (murder?) of Huang Chih-Ming.