Box 1
Contains 24 Results:
History of Triangular Relationship I February 28 (1977) - May 26 (1977) , 1977-02-28 - 1977-05-26
Exchange of letters Joe Kraft, Doak Barnett, Spark Matsunaga, C.S Shen, Harlan. Comments to Victor LI. Position paper for Carter answered by National Security Staff
China: August 23 (1976) - December 2 (1976) , 1976-08-23 - 1976-12-02
Exchange with Harlan, Pief Panosky, Murph Goldberger. Newspaper clippings. Assorted letters to Doak Barnett, James R. Schlesinger Griffin, Smyser, Harlan, Ford to Loretta, Christopher Phillips
China: March 19 (1976) - July 20 (1976) , 1976-03-19 - 1976-07-20
Correspondence with Senator Huber Humphrey. Visit to China. Spark Matsunaga, A.A. Smyser. Correspondence with Ronald Reagan. Exchange with President Nixon concerning Summary Thoughts on U.S. -China Relationship of 6/15/76.
China: December 7 (1975) - March 15 (1976) , 1975-12-07 - 1976-03-15
Assorted documents. Sino-U.S Communique. Correspondence with Harlan. State Department aftermath. Allen Whiting’s comments to Harlan, exchanges with Harlan.
China: June 10 (1975) - November 29th (1975) , 1975-06-10 - 1975-11-29
Briefing papers of June 10. Interpretative report by Stanley Karnow, New China Magazine interview with C.N Yang. Correspondence with Cyrus Vance. Final briefing paper on China for Ford’s visit, correspondence with WH and State Department.
China: September 1 (1974) - June 10 (1975) , 1974-09-01 - 1975-06-10
Correspondence with President Ford, Hiram, Chief Justice Warren Burger, Dr. Arthur Schlesinger, Senator Henry Jackson, P.Y Zhou. Confidential position paper on diplomatic recognition of China.
China: January 1 (1974) - August 31 (1974) , 1974-01-01 - 1974-08-31
Letter to Profs T.D. Lee & C.S. Wu. Correspondence with Hiram and Harlan C. Major report to uncle Zhou. Covers appointment as Consultant to Physics Institute of National Tsuinghua University
China: January - December 1973, 1973-01 - 1973-12
“Peeping Tom” interference at time of granting China visa. Report of four hour long meeting with uncle Zhou. China Trip. Taipei trip prep.
China: January (1971) - December (1972) , 1971-01 - 1971-12
Visit to Taipei, join China Study Group at UH. Letter to Hiram, uncle Zhou. Visa and reply from P.Y. Zhou.