Box 5
Contains 31 Results:
BK [Book] Misc
XVth International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics
DrFrancis' paper pesumbably submitted for this conference is in English. Other material is Chinese. Mailing list of participantes included.
Correspondence publications, articles by DeFrancis,, "Chinese Lexicography at the Crossroads," Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association, October 1996, v.31:3, and "Rejoinder to Geofffrey Sampson, 'Chinese Script ad=nd Diversity of Writing Systems,;" "Graphmemic indeterminacy in writing systems."
History of the National Language Movement by Li Chin-hsi
Typescript of Li's article published in 1934 is accompanied extensive handwritten notes by DeFrancis.
[Language reform notes]
Reprints, corresondence, and handwritten notes by DeFrancis on this topic.
Language Instructional System, 1970
9 page draft of "Proposal for a broadened Asian Language Program at UH" presumbably written by DeFrancis with cover memo dated October 26, 1970.
Chinese 272 Masters
Copy of Workbook for Beginning Chinese Readers," n.d. and pages of another primer. Both include English and Chinese.
Dungan script
Correspondence regarding works on this language. One sheet of examples.
Extensive handwritten notes and research material on this language.
Torgut [Torghut]
Handwritten notes accompany one article on this language.
Yi [script]
Primarily correspondence and notes including draft of PinYin Word Division Guidelines
H Shang, ca 1991
Publications including newsclippings, corresondence, handrwritten notes regarding a symposium by this name. Includes are two DeFrancis manuscripts, "All power to the fountain pen!" and Writing reform: back to the future," 1992.